
What’s a parser?

All parsers are functions that take a string value and return a parsed instance.

For example:

  • int takes a string value and returns an int.

  • parse_class takes a string value that’s a dotted Python path and returns the class object

  • ListOf(str) takes a string value that uses a comma delimiter and returns a list of strings


When specifying configuration options, the default value must always be a string. When Everett can’t find a value for a requested key, it will take the default value and pass it through the parser. Because parsers always take a string as input, the default value must always be a string.


debug = config("debug", parser=bool, default="false")


debug = config("debug", parser=bool, default=False)
                                             ^^^^^ Not a string

Available parsers

Python types like str, int, float, pathlib.Path

Python types can convert strings to Python values. You can use these as parsers:

  • str

  • int

  • float

  • decimal

  • pathlib.Path


Everett provides a special bool parser that handles more descriptive values for “true” and “false”:

  • true: t, true, yes, y, on, 1 (and uppercase versions)

  • false: f, false, no, n, off, 0 (and uppercase versions)


Parse a bool value.

Handles a series of values, but you should probably standardize on “true” and “false”.

>>> from everett.manager import parse_bool
>>> parse_bool("y")
>>> parse_bool("FALSE")

val (str) –

Return type:



Everett provides a everett.manager.parse_class that takes a string specifying a module and class and returns the class.


Parse a string, imports the module and returns the class.

>>> from everett.manager import parse_class
>>> parse_class("everett.manager.Option")
<class 'everett.manager.Option'>

val (str) –

Return type:


data size

Everett provides a everett.manager.parse_data_size that takes a string specifying an amount and a data size metric (e.g. kb, kib, tb, etc) and returns the amount of bytes that represents.


Parse a string denoting a data size into an int of bytes.

This allows you to parse data sizes with a number and then the metric. Examples:

  • 10b - 10 bytes

  • 100kb - 100 kilobytes = 100 * 1000

  • 40gb - 40 gigabytes = 40 * 1000^3

  • 23gib - 40 gibibytes = 23 * 1024^3

Supported metrics:

  • b - bytes

  • decimal:

    • kb - kilobytes

    • mb - megabytes

    • gb - gigabytes

    • tb - terabytes

    • pb - petabytes

  • binary:

    • kib - kibibytes

    • mib - mebibytes

    • gib - gibibytes

    • tib - tebibytes

    • pib - pebibytes

The metrics are not case sensitive–it supports upper, lower, and mixed case.

>>> from everett.manager import parse_data_size
>>> parse_data_size("40_000_000")
>>> parse_data_size("40gb")
>>> parse_data_size("20KiB")

val (str) –

Return type:


time period

Everett provides a everett.manager.parse_time_period that takes a string specifying a period of time and returns the total number of seconds represented by that period.


Parse a string denoting a data size into an int of bytes.

This allows you to parse data sizes with a number and then the metric. Examples:

  • 10b - 10 bytes

  • 100kb - 100 kilobytes = 100 * 1000

  • 40gb - 40 gigabytes = 40 * 1000^3

  • 23gib - 40 gibibytes = 23 * 1024^3

Supported metrics:

  • b - bytes

  • decimal:

    • kb - kilobytes

    • mb - megabytes

    • gb - gigabytes

    • tb - terabytes

    • pb - petabytes

  • binary:

    • kib - kibibytes

    • mib - mebibytes

    • gib - gibibytes

    • tib - tebibytes

    • pib - pebibytes

The metrics are not case sensitive–it supports upper, lower, and mixed case.

>>> from everett.manager import parse_data_size
>>> parse_data_size("40_000_000")
>>> parse_data_size("40gb")
>>> parse_data_size("20KiB")

val (str) –

Return type:



Everett provides a special everett.manager.ListOf parser which parses a list of some other type. For example:

ListOf(str)  # comma-delimited list of strings
ListOf(int)  # comma-delimited list of ints
everett.manager.ListOf(parser, delimiter=',')

Parse a comma-separated list of things.

After delimiting items, this strips the whitespace at the beginning and end of each string. Then it passes each string into the parser to get the final value.

>>> from everett.manager import ListOf
>>> ListOf(str)('')
>>> ListOf(str)('a,b,c,d')
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> ListOf(int)('1,2,3,4')
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> ListOf(str)('1, 2  ,3,4')
['1', '2', '3', '4']

Note: This doesn’t handle quotes or backslashes or any complicated string parsing.

For example:

>>> ListOf(str)('"a,b",c,d')
['"a', 'b"', 'c', 'd']
  • parser (Callable) –

  • delimiter (str) –


Everett works with dj-database-url. The dj_database_url.parse function takes a string and returns a Django database connection value.

For example:

import dj_database_url
from everett.manager import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.basic_config()
    "default": config("DATABASE_URL", parser=dj_database_url.parse)

That’ll pull the DATABASE_URL value from the environment (it throws an error if it’s not there) and runs it through dj_database_url which parses it and returns what Django needs.

With a default:

import dj_database_url
from everett.manager import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.basic_config()
    "default": config(
        "DATABASE_URL", default="sqlite:///my.db", parser=dj_database_url.parse


To use dj-database-url, you’ll need to install it separately. Everett doesn’t depend on it or require it to be installed.


Everett works with django-cache-url.

For example:

import django_cache_url
from everett.manager import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.basic_config()
    "default": config("CACHE_URL", parser=django_cache_url.parse)

That’ll pull the CACHE_URL value from the environment (it throws an error if it’s not there) and runs it through django_cache_url which parses it and returns what Django needs.

With a default:

import django_cache_url
from everett.manager import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.basic_config()
    "default": config(
        "CACHE_URL", default="locmem://myapp", parser=django_cache_url.parse


To use django-cache-url, you’ll need to install it separately. Everett doesn’t require it to be installed.

Implementing your own parsers

Implementing your own parser should be straight-forward. Parsing functions always take a string and return the Python value you need.

If the value is not parseable, the parsing function should raise a ValueError.

For example, say we wanted to implement a parser that returned yes/no/no-answer or a parser class that’s line delimited:


from everett.manager import ConfigManager, get_parser

def parse_ynm(val):
    """Returns True, False or None (empty string)"""
    val = val.strip().lower()
    if not val:
        return None

    return val[0] == "y"

config = ConfigManager.from_dict(
    {"NO_ANSWER": "", "YES": "yes", "ALSO_YES": "y", "NO": "no"}

assert config("no_answer", parser=parse_ynm) is None
assert config("yes", parser=parse_ynm) is True
assert config("also_yes", parser=parse_ynm) is True
assert config("no", parser=parse_ynm) is False

class Pairs(object):
    def __init__(self, val_parser):
        self.val_parser = val_parser

    def __call__(self, val):
        val_parser = get_parser(self.val_parser)
        out = []
        for part in val.split(","):
            k, v = part.split(":")
            out.append((k, val_parser(v)))
        return out

config = ConfigManager.from_dict({"FOO": "a:1,b:2,c:3"})

assert config("FOO", parser=Pairs(int)) == [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)]