
Changed in version 2.0: This is redone for v2.0.0 and simplified.

Building components with Everett

Everett allows you to build components that specify the configuration options for that component.

This lets you do three things:

  1. instantiate components in a specified configuration namespace

  2. restrict the configuration the component uses to that specified in the component

  3. inherit and override configuration from superclasses

To create a component, add a Config class to the class definition. In the Config class, specify the options for that class.

For example, let’s create a RabbitMQComponent for accessing RabbitMQ:

from everett.manager import Option

class RabbitMQComponent:
    class Config:
        host = Option(doc="RabbitMQ host to connect to")
        port = Option(default="5672", doc="Port to use", parser=int)
        queue_name = Option(doc="Queue to insert things into")

    def __init__(self, config):
        # Bind the configuration manager to just the options
        # specified by this component. If this configuration manager
        # is asked to return a configuration option that's not
        # specified by # this class, then it'll throw an error.
        self.config = config.with_options(self)

We also need an __init__ method that takes the config as an argument so that you can bind the component’s config options with the config using .with_options().

Then in our app, we could instantiate a RabbitMQComponent using an rmq configuration namespace like this:

rmq = RabbitMQComponent(config.with_namespace('rmq'))

In our environment, we would provide a RMQ_HOST variable for this component.

Say our app needs to connect to two separate queues–one for regular processing and one for priority processing:

rmq_regular = RabbitMQComponent(config.with_namespace("rmq_regular"))
rmq_priority = RabbitMQComponent(config.with_namespace("rmq_priority"))

In our environment, we provide the host for the regular queue configuration with RMQ_REGULAR_HOST and the the host for the priority queue configuration with RMQ_PRIORITY_HOST.

Same component code–two different instances with two different configurations.


You can subclass components and override configuration options.

For example:

from everett.manager import ConfigManager, Option

class ComponentA:
    class Config:
        foo = Option(default="foo_from_a")
        bar = Option(default="bar_from_a")

class ComponentB(ComponentA):
    class Config:
        foo = Option(default="foo_from_b")

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config.with_options(self)

config = ConfigManager.basic_config()
compb = ComponentB(config)

print(compb.config("foo"))  # prints "foo_from_b"
print(compb.config("bar"))  # prints "bar_from_a"

Getting configuration information for components

You can get the configuration options for a component class using everett.manager.get_config_for_class(). This returns a dict of configuration key -> (option, class). This helps with debugging which option came from which class.


Roll up configuration options for this class and parent classes.

This handles subclasses overriding configuration options in parent classes.


cls (Type) – the component class to return configuration options for


final dict of configuration options for this class in key -> (option, cls) form

Return type

Dict[str, Tuple[everett.manager.Option, Type]]

You can get the runtime configuration for a component or tree of components using everett.manager.get_runtime_config(). This returns a list of (namespace, key, value, option, class) tuples. The value is the computed runtime value taking into account the environments specified in the ConfigManager and class hierarchies.

It’ll traverse any instance attributes that are components with options.

everett.manager.get_runtime_config(config, component, traverse=<function traverse_tree>)

Returns configuration specification and values for a component tree

For example, if you had a tree of components instantiated, you could traverse the tree and log the configuration:

from everett.manager import (

class App:
    class Config:
        debug = Option(default="False", parser=bool)
        reader = Option(parser=parse_class)
        writer = Option(parser=parse_class)

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config.with_options(self)

        # App has a reader and a writer each of which has configuration
        # options
        self.reader = self.config("reader")(config.with_namespace("reader"))
        self.writer = self.config("writer")(config.with_namespace("writer"))

class Reader:
    class Config:
        input_file = Option()

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config.with_options(self)

class Writer:
    class Config:
        output_file = Option()

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config.with_options(self)

cm = ConfigManager.from_dict(
        # This specifies which reader component to use. Because we
        # specified this one, we need to define a READER_INPUT_FILE
        # value.
        "READER": "__main__.Reader",
        "READER_INPUT_FILE": "input.txt",

        # Same thing for the writer component.
        "WRITER": "__main__.Writer",
        "WRITER_OUTPUT_FILE": "output.txt",

my_app = App(cm)

# This traverses the component tree starting with my_app and then
# traversing .reader and .writer attributes.
for namespace, key, value, option in get_runtime_config(cm, my_app):
    full_key = generate_uppercase_key(key, namespace)
    print(f"{full_key.upper()}={value or ''}")

# This should print out:
# DEBUG=False
# READER=__main__.Reader
# WRITER=__main__.Writer

a list of (namespace, key, value, option) tuples

Return type

List[Tuple[List[str], str, Any, everett.manager.Option]]