======= Hacking ======= Release process =============== 1. Checkout master tip. 2. Check to make sure ``setup.py`` and requirements files have correct versions of requirements. 3. Update version numbers in ``everett/__init__.py``. 1. Set ``__version__`` to something like ``1.0.0`` (use semver). 2. Set ``__releasedate__`` to something like ``20190107``. 4. Update ``HISTORY.rst`` 1. Set the date for the release. 2. Make sure to note any backwards incompatible changes. 5. Verify correctness. 1. Run ``check-manifest``. 2. Run tests. 3. Build docs (this runs example code). 4. Verify all that works. 6. Tag the release:: $ git tag -a v1.0.0 Copy the details from ``HISTORY.rst`` into the tag comment. 7. Update PyPI:: $ rm -rf dist/* $ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel $ twine upload dist/* 8. Push everything:: $ git push --tags official master 9. Announce the release.