

This module contains the configuration infrastructure allowing for deriving configuration from specified sources in the order you specify.

class everett.manager.BoundConfig(config, options)

Wraps a config and binds it to a set of options

This restricts the config to only return keys from the option set. Further, it uses the option set to determine the default and the parser for that option.

This is useful for binding configuration to a component’s specified options.


Retrieves the complete namespace for this config object

Returns:namespace as a list of strings
class everett.manager.ConfigDictEnv(cfg)

Source for pulling configuration out of a dict

This is handy for testing. You might also use it if you wanted to move all your defaults values into one centralized place.

Keys are prefixed by namespaces and the whole thing is uppercased.

For example, namespace “bar” for key “foo” becomes BAR_FOO in the dict.

For example:

from everett.manager import ConfigDictEnv, ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager([
        'FOO_BAR': 'someval',
        'BAT': '1',

Keys are not case sensitive. This also works:

from everett.manager import ConfigDictEnv, ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager([
        'foo_bar': 'someval',
        'bat': '1',

print config('foo_bar')
print config('FOO_BAR')
print config.with_namespace('foo')('bar')

Also, ConfigManager has a convenience classmethod for creating a ConfigManager with just a dict environment:

from everett.manager import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.from_dict({
    'FOO_BAR': 'bat'

Changed in version 0.3: Keys are no longer case-sensitive.

class everett.manager.ConfigEnvFileEnv(possible_paths)

Source for pulling configuration out of .env files

This source lets you specify configuration in an .env file. This is useful for local development when in production you use values in environment variables.

Keys are prefixed by namespaces and the whole thing is uppercased.

For example, key “foo” will be FOO in the file.

For example, namespace “bar” for key “foo” becomes BAR_FOO in the file.

Key and namespace can consist of alphanumeric characters and _.

To use, instantiate and toss in the source list:

from everett.manager import ConfigEnvFileEnv, ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager([

For multiple paths:

from everett.manager import ConfigEnvFileEnv, ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager([

Here’s an example .env file:


# secrets

# database setup
class everett.manager.ConfigManager(environments, doc='', with_override=True)

Manages multiple configuration environment layers

classmethod basic_config(env_file='.env')

Returns a basic ConfigManager

This sets up a ConfigManager that will look for configuration in this order:

  1. environment
  2. specified env_file defaulting to .env

This is for a fast one-line opinionated setup.


from everett.manager import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.basic_config()

This is shorthand for:

config = ConfigManager(
Parameters:env_file – the name of the env file to use
Returns:a everett.manager.ConfigManager
classmethod from_dict(dict_config)

Creates a ConfigManager with specified configuration as a Python dict

This is shorthand for:

config = ConfigManager([ConfigDictEnv(dict_config)])

This is handy for writing tests for the app you’re using Everett in.

Parameters:dict_config – Python dict holding the configuration for this manager
Returns:ConfigManager with specified configuration

New in version 0.3.

class everett.manager.ConfigOSEnv

Source for pulling configuration out of the environment

This source lets you specify configuration in the environment. This is useful for infrastructure related configuration like usernames and ports and secret configuration like passwords.

Keys are prefixed by namespaces and the whole thing is uppercased.

For example, key “foo” will be FOO in the environment.

For example, namespace “bar” for key “foo” becomes BAR_FOO in the environment.

Key and namespace can consist of alphanumeric characters and _.


Unlike other config environments, this one is case sensitive in that keys defined in the environment must be all uppercase.

For example, these are good:


This is bad:


To use, instantiate and toss in the source list:

from everett.manager import ConfigOSEnv, ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager([
class everett.manager.ConfigObjEnv(obj, force_lower=True)

Source for pulling configuration values out of a Python object

This is handy for a few weird situations. For example, you can use this to “bridge” Everett configuration with command line arguments. The argparse Namespace works fine here.

Namespace (the Everett one–not the argparse one) is prefixed. So key “foo” in namespace “bar” is “foo_bar”.

For example:

import argparse

from everett.manager import ConfigObjEnv, ConfigManager

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    '--debug', help='to debug or not to debug'
parsed_vals = parser.parse_known_args()[0]

config = ConfigManager([

print config('debug', parser=bool)

Keys are not case-sensitive–everything is converted to lowercase before pulling it from the object.


ConfigObjEnv has nothing to do with the library configobj.

New in version 0.6.

class everett.manager.ConfigOverride(**cfg)

Allows you to override config for writing tests

This can be used as a class decorator:

@config_override(FOO='bar', BAZ='bat')
class FooTestClass(object):

This can be used as a function decorator:

def test_foo():

This can also be used as a context manager:

def test_foo():
    with config_override(FOO='bar'):

Pops a config layer off

Raises:IndexError – If there are no layers to pop off

Pushes self._cfg as a config layer onto the stack

class everett.manager.ConfigOverrideEnv

Override configuration layer for testing

class everett.manager.ListOf(parser, delimiter=', ')

Parses a comma-separated list of things

>>> ListOf(str)('')
>>> ListOf(str)('a,b,c,d')
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> ListOf(int)('1,2,3,4')
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Note: This doesn’t handle quotes or backslashes or any complicated string parsing.

For example:

>>> ListOf(str)('"a,b",c,d')
['"a', 'b"', 'c', 'd']
class everett.manager.NamespacedConfig(config, namespace)

Applies a namespace to a config

This restricts keys in a config to those belonging to the specified namespace.


Retrieves the complete namespace for this config object

Returns:namespace as a list of strings

alias of everett.manager.ConfigOverride

everett.manager.get_key_from_envs(envs, key)

Return the value of a key from the given dict respecting namespaces.

Data can also be a list of data dicts.


Returns a parsing function for a given parser


Returns a new list of thing

If thing is a string, then returns a list of thing. Otherwise returns thing.

Parameters:thing – string or list of things

Parses a bool

Handles a series of values, but you should probably standardize on “true” and “false”.

>>> parse_bool('y')
>>> parse_bool('FALSE')

Parses a string, imports the module and returns the class

>>> parse_class('hashlib.md5')
<built-in function openssl_md5>

Parse the content of an iterable of lines as .env

Return a dict of config variables.

>>> parse_env_file(['DUDE=Abides'])
{'DUDE': 'Abides'}

Returns the dot name for a given thing

>>> import everett.manager
>>> qualname(str)
>>> qualname(everett.manager.parse_class)
>>> qualname(everett.manager)


Module holding infrastructure for building components.

class everett.component.ConfigOptions

Class for holding a collection of config options

add_option(key, default=NO_VALUE, alternate_keys=NO_VALUE, doc='', parser=<class 'str'>)

Adds an option to the group

  • key – the key to look up
  • default – the default value (if any); must be a string that is parseable by the specified parser
  • alternate_keys – the list of alternate keys to look up; supports a root: key prefix which will cause this to look at the configuration root rather than the current namespace
  • doc – documentation for this config option
  • parser – the parser for converting this value to a Python object
class everett.component.RequiredConfigMixin

Mixin for component classes that have required configuration

As with all mixins, make sure this is earlier in the class list.


from everett.component import RequiredConfigMixin, ConfigOptions

class SomeComponent(RequiredConfigMixin):
    required_config = ConfigOptions()

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config.with_options(self)
classmethod get_required_config()

Rolls up the configuration for class and parent classes

Returns:final ConfigOptions representing all configuration for this class

Roll up the runtime config for this class and all children

Implement this to call .get_runtime_config() on child components or to adjust how it works.

For example, if you created a component that has a child component, you could do something like this:

class MyComponent(RequiredConfigMixin):

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config.with_options(self)
        self.child = OtherComponent(config.with_namespace('source'))

    def get_runtime_config(self, namespace=None):
        for item in super(MyComponent, self).get_runtime_config(namespace):
            yield item
        for item in self.child.get_runtime_config(['source']):
            yield item

Calling this function can give you the complete runtime configuration for a component tree. This is helpful for doing things like printing the configuration being used including default values.


If this instance has a .config attribute and it is a everett.component.BoundConfig, then this will try to compute the runtime config.

Otherwise, it’ll yield nothing.

Parameters:namespace (list) – list of namespace parts or None
Returns:list of (namespace, key, option)